Monday, September 22, 2014

Namo -Start Batting Like Yuvraj And Not Pujara .!!

Every one should have a knowledge of history and economics .And of course political science .Its all the more important in a country like India which is a developing nation and needs to keep evolving all the time .It also helps us to understand the difference between hype and fact .
We all went ga ga over Namo .Here was a man who promised us the world .Here was a man who sold us a dream .Here was a man who could make you angry ,laugh or cry .(He even managed to do that to hard headed politicians like Ravi Shankar Prasad in his innaugral address to Parliament ).Was what he promised all hype ?
After 4 months of his government being  in office –I have no definite answer to the above question .But it does seem that a lot of his precious mandate has so far been wasted .Which party can you expect in the near future to come to power with such a huge mandate ? As I hit my 60s I doubt wheter any party   will  in my lifetime .He needs to do something real fast .What is he waiting for ? And what the hell is he doing by indulging in these foreign policy tasks ? SAARCH ,BHUTAN ,JAPAN ,CHINA ,USA ,BANGKLADESH ,-what has it got to do with India at the moment .Infact it’s a shame that he was talking to Xi when Chinese troops were sitting in our terrirory in the Chumar Sector .And then signing on a paper which showed Arunachal as a disputed territory .Can you imagine what would have happened if Man Mohan Singh would have done that ? Narendra Modi came to power by promising fast economic growth to create millions of jobs. So, it’s mysterious that he has spent so much time on foreign visits and receiving foreign dignitaries like Chinese president Xi Jinping. Foreign relations matter, but cannot create millions of jobs .It is true that he signed MOUs with the Chinese and the Japanese which ran into billions of dollars . Big foreign investments make big headlines. Yet India itself has a savings rate of 30% of GDP, and this once touched 37%. It is contributed mainly by households and unincorporated businesses. Foreign direct investment in India is barely 1-2% of GDP. This links India to global markets and technology, and so is disproportionately useful.But it is not the crucial driver of growth . That has to be local investment. Above all, it has to be investment by small and medium enterprises, which already contribute more to investment and growth than large corporations.Modi has not done anything as yet on that front .He may do it later –but better is if he had started it earlier .Months will just eat into the years and we will be back where we started .
And people may still be talking of acche din –because they will fall to the hype and because they don’t understand economics or history .However ,let me add one last line –he is still the best bet we have as a PM .!!

Kulbhushan Kain

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