I was at the Newark International
Airport in the US in November last year.The Airport must not be mistaken for
the airports in New York because Newark
is in New Jersey ( New York and New Jersey
are different but adjoining states ).While at the airport ,I picked up a book about the 9/11
hijackings of the 4 flights –which have made them the most infamous hijackings
of our times.I knew I was at a place
which would never be forgotten in the
history of modern times .Four flights were hijacked on that fateful day -2 from
Boston,1 from Washington and one from Newark.It was from Newark that the most
daring attempt to wipe out the the symbols of American power –either the Capitol(which
houses the American Parliament) or the White House was made.There is a
difference of opinion as to which was the target –Osama bin Laden wanted the
plane to target the Capitol ,but
Mohammad Atta thought the White House would be a easier target .However it was the guts and the character of the
people inside the plane that perhaps altered the course of modern history
.Because if either of the two targets had been hit –the retaliation could have
been very severe –maybe akin to the Americans dropping the atom bombs on
Hiroshima and Nagasaki when the Japanese dared to bomb Pearl Harbour in 1945 .
I read the book on my long haul from
Newark to Frankfurt ,and then after a brief shopping spree at the Frankfurt
Airport ,I plunged into the book again ..By the time I landed in Dubai ,I had
finished the book and started writing my blog .I am now reproducing what I
jotted down hastily on my Blackberry notepad.The account is from the evidence
that was available from the voices recorded at the ATCs and from the flight
recorder of United Airlines Flight 93 .The intense struggle inside Flight 93 is
brought to life mainly because it was the only aircraft whose voice recorder
did not melt –the voice recorders of the other 3 melted as they hit their
desired targets.We have some recordings of those flights as well –but they are
fewer in number and detail .
Amy Sweeney was the flight attendant on Flight 11
which took off from Boston to Los Angeles at 7.59 am .Her last words to a question “What can you see outside the
window ?” .
"I see water. I see buildings. We are flying low. We are flying very, very
low. We are flying way too low. Oh my God we are flying way too low. Oh my
were the last words from American Flight 11 before it crashed into the North
Tower of the WTC at 8.46:40.with tons and tons of fuel (since it was flying a
long distance ).Obviously nothing remained –we all saw the tower come down like
a pack of cards .
Hanson was on Flight 175 which also took off on the same Boston Los
Angeles route at 8.14
At 9:00,
Peter Hanson made a call to his father.
getting bad, Dad. A stewardess was stabbed. They seem to have knives and Mace.
They said they have a bomb. Passengers are throwing up and getting sick. The
plane is making jerky movements. I don't think the pilot is flying the plane. I
think we are going down. I think they intend to go to Chicago or someplace and
fly into a building. Don't worry, Dad. If it happens, it'll be very fast. My
God, my God.”
As the
call ended abruptly, Lee Hanson heard a woman's scream.He was sweating –all those
years of carrying Peter as a infant ,of teaching him the basics of life ,of the
fights and good times flashed before his eyes .Was it the last time a father
had heard a son call him “Dad”? He turned
on the television, and watched as a
second plane hit the South Tower at 9.03:11. .I had just got back from my
evening walk in Jagdishpur and yelled out to Sangeeta as I switched on the TV
“Sangeeta –look at that .Oops its so dangerous looking .!!” And as we watched
–the second plane came and rammed into the second WTC tower .We were watching
it live as smoke billowed upwards like a nuclear mushroom.The world seemed to
be coming to an end .
Hanson knew there was no way Peter would
survive .Like the WTC Tower –his world seemed to collapse before his eyes .
Flight 77 took off from Washington for Los Angeles at 8.20am and the last
routine exchange took place at 8.51am. The cockpit crew were killed and plane
was hijacked over the next three minutes. Just two people are known to have
made calls and much less detail is available than for the other three planes.It
crashed into the Pentagon ,the American Defence Headquarters .
most gripping detail is available for the famous battle for control of United
93 – because it took off 42 minutes late from Newark for San Francisco at
8.42am, its passengers were to learn all about what had happened in New York
and its cockpit voice recorder was also
recovered, while the other three were destroyed in the fireballs when they
crashed.By this time everyone was aware of what was happening .
9.19am, a United Flight dispatcher Ed Ballinger began to issue warnings to 16
flights crossing the country: "Beware any cockpit intrusion – Two A/C
[aircraft] hit World Trade Center".Like all of us ,he was by now aware of
the horrendous damage that had been done to the WTC Towers by the two planes
crashing into it .
message was transmitted to United 93 at 9.23am and received in the cockpit at
minutes later, pilot Jason Dahl responded with an air of puzzlement "Ed, confirm latest mssg plz –
he received an answer, the hijackers attacked at 9.28, and as the aircraft lost
altitude, air traffic control picked up two radio transmissions from the
cockpit.Captain Jason Dahl
declared "Mayday" (Mayday is a
distress signal sent out by ships and aircrafts ).There were sounds
of a struggle.It can be concluded that the terrorists had entered the cockpit
and were overpowering the pilots
secs later, shouts of "Get out of here" and “Mayday,Mayday,Mayday”,are repeated .The
pilot was trying his best to beat off
the challenge .But it appears it was in vain .But not before he had put the
plane off from its automatic controls .The plane it seemed –had now to be
navigated manually .!!The terrorists were probably not upto it .In his dying
moments Jason had his nation uppermost
in his mind .The terrorists were “lost” in air .!!
9.32, the terrorists were at the controls and a hijacker attempted to
communicate with passengers.Jason Dahl was apparently alive because he could be
heard moaning as the terrorists spoke
and gentlemen. Here's the Captain, please sit down, keep remaining sitting. We
have a bomb on board. So sit."
A woman,
presumably first-class flight attendant Debbie Welsh, is heard struggling with
the hijackers before being killed or otherwise silenced, followed by one of the
hijackers saying in Arabic, "Everything is fine. I finished."
the message was broadcast to ATC.
least 10 of the 33 passengers and two flight crew began calls from in-flight
air phones and mobiles that lasted for the next 30 minutes, providing a
dramatic account of the desperate struggle inside the plane as the hijackers
turned it around and headed for Washington where their target was believed to
be the White House or Capitol.In less than 10 minutes they would be over their
target .The 40 passengers must have
decided to revolt .And they must have put their heads together and arrived at
this conclusion .It appears to have been a democratic decision because Jeremy
Glick called his wife and told her the flight was hijacked by three
dark-skinned men who looked
"Iranian", wearing red bandanas and wielding
knives.[He also
told her that they had voted to tackle the terrorists to try to regain control
on the plane.Everything we are taught
throughout our lives was being put to test .I am sure all the passengers must
have thought “we wont go down without a fight ,we will act collectively ,and we
will make sure that even if we die –the terrorists wont get to their target
.The nation must have become far far
bigger for them than the self .
9.57am, several ended calls, saying the revolt was beginning. "Everyone's
running up to first class. I've got to go. Bye," said one.
Burnett told his wife, "I know we're all going to die ... There's three of
us who are going to do something about it."And here is what Lauren
Grandcolas who was pregnant have say to
her husband before perishing along with the foetus (she voice messaged him)
,pick up Sweetie.Can you hear me ?Ok .I just want to tell you –there is a
little problem with the plane .I am fine .I am totally fine .I just want to
tell you how much I love you”.And she went silent forever .
Todd Beamer was apparently heard saying "Let"s roll!" – a
totemic call to action.
black box captured the sounds of a sustained assault on the cockpit over the
next six minutes. Ziad Jarrah, who was flying the plane, told another hijacker
to block the door as he rolled the aeroplane to the left and right.in a attempt
to throw them off balance .
seconds before 10am, he pitched the nose up and down as he tried to shake off
the revolt amid sounds of ongoing fighting. At 26 seconds after 10, a passenger
is heard shouting: "In the cockpit! If we don't, we'll die," followed
shortly afterwards by another yelling "Roll it!"
This is
widely believed to have referred to an attempt to smash open the cockpit door with
a service trolley.Oh –the service trolleys .We remember all of them carrying
the yummiest of food ,the rarest of whiskies and wine ,and the most attractive
things for sale (including Swaroski Crystals).It was now being used as a weapon
10.01, Jarrah repeats "Allah is the Greatest!" before asking another
hijacker: "Is that it? Shall we put it down?"
ally replied: "Yes pull it down".
rolled the plane onto its back, with shouts of "Allah is the
Greatest" continuing in the cockpit.
counter-attack could still be heard as the Flight 93 plunged downwards,
crashing just after 10.03 into an empty field in Pennsylvania, 20 minutes'
flight time from Washington.
objective was to crash his airliner into symbols of the American Republic He
was defeated by the alerted, unarmed passengers of United 93.
When I
boarded my flight back to India from the Newark Liberty Airport (the name was
changed in honour of the unarmed passengers who fought to save the symbols of
the American Nation),I had made sure that I went and saw the gate A17 from where the fateful flight had been pushed
back for take off .A American flag now flies over the gate as mark of respect for the brave men and women
who perished fighting .I watched the passengers line up .Many years back –there
must have been a queue as well .And among the innocent men and women there must
have been 4 dreaded terrorists .And the flight must have taken off –with none
ever suspecting what was to follow .Just like me , when I was taking off .I was going back home –and as I flew over
the Statue of Liberty ,the air attendant came to me with the service trolley .
drink for you Sir”
I was
looking at the service trolley .
“Sir ,a
drink for you”,she repeated with a wonderful smile
thank you –maybe after a couple of hours”,I replied .
eyes danced and twinkled .She looked confused as I continued to look at the
service trolley.She “rolled” it past me .I continued to read .I am off in June to Pennsylvania
to the site of the crash .As expected –the Americans have built a memorial
.They respect their past .
SIR, what would u have done if u were in those aeroplanes.