Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Jinnah -The Game Changer .Part 2.

 Dina was born to them .She was their only child .Years later like her mother , she  was to run  into problems with her dad (Jinnah ),when she wanted to marry Neville Wadia ,a Parsi (like her mother).Jinnah told her that there were millions of Muslims she could marry ,and that it was absurd for her to choose to marry a  Parsi .When she retorted that he had done the same when he married Ruth ,his cold emotionless answer was “She became a Muslim”. Period .No negotiation .No relenting .From either side .He disowned his daughter when she married Neville .!!Incidentally she is the grandmother of Ness Wadia who owns Punjab Kings X1 who is Nusli Wadia and Maureen Wadias son .
Back to Jinnah and Ruth . Despite Jinnah's unfaltering dedication and love for Ruttie, the marriage was not a bed of roses. Perhaps his professional responsibilities and political commitments did not afford him enough time to spend with his wife .Slowly but surely  the dream marriage started to  turn  sour .He became abnormally obsessed with politics and by 1922 Ruth found herself, lonely enough to pack her  bags and take  her daughter to London. But she still  loved the man for whom she had forsaken the world .She wrote  to her friend Kanji, thanking him for the bouquet of roses he had sent as a bon voyage gift  and by ending thus “
“And just one thing more, go and see Jinnah and tell me how he is, he has a habit of overworking himself and now that I am not there to tease and bother him he will be worse than ever.”.
Upon her return to India, Ruttie tried to see more of her husband but he was too busy  in  politics  , and sadly   had little time to devote to her.He had started to get obsessed with power .
By 1927, Ruttie and Jinnah had virtually separated, and  his  move   to Delhi was just the final blow to a relationship that was already on oxygen .It was gasping for breath .
Ruttie's health deteriorated rapidly in the years after  1927.It is said that she died of cancer because of  the passive smoking of her husband .The tragedy  was that  she was still so young –not even 28 years old . But she kept her interest in her pets and her close friends .She shifted into the Taj Hotel –frail and weak .Amongst the last things she requested of her friend Kanji was that he look after her cats .She died on 20th FEB 1929 .She was only 28 years old !!! It was as if love had been brutally murdered .
Jinnah is believed to be a very private person and he hardly showed emotions but he is known to have cried twice in public. One of the occasions was the funeral of his beloved wife Ruttie in 1929 and the other one in August 1947, when he visited her grave one last time before leaving for Pakistan.Did he forget her ?The answer appears to be NO .According to his chauffeur
You know servants in household come to know everything that is going around them. Sometimes more than twelve years after Begum Jinnah's (Mrs. Jinnah) death, the boss would order at dead of night a huge ancient wooden chest to be opened, in which were stored clothes of his dead wife and his married daughter. He would intently look into those clothes, as they were taken out of the  box and were spread on the carpets. He would gaze at them for long with eloquent silence. Then his eyes turn moist.”
Jinnah left India in August 1947, never to return again. He had  pursued   two things which every man seeks and if lucky gets both  .One –Love . He lost out on it because he lost Ruth .But he won  what he gave up to as tradeoff –Power .With his  zeal ,passion , and doggedness he was able to divide India into 2 parts .He became the QUAID  E AZAM of the newly created state of Pakistan .How did  it all happen ?

Thats a part of my next blog on Jinnah .Part 3.

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