Saturday, July 13, 2013

Schools.Will We Need Them 5 years From Now ?

 We live in times which are like shifting sand .Nothing is static even for a day and are changing at a pheneomenal pace .If one brought back to life doctor who had lived in the 80s ,he would not be able to understand what was happening in the operating theatre .He would be watching a  patient all wired up to a computer  watching his operation on a screen ,a few members of his family would  be clutching at his hands and the doctors would be using computers and lasers for operating him .Ditto with a lawyer .He would not be conversant with the laws that have changed –cyber laws !!-and he would have to know how to use technology to find the listing of his case .Even a man who kept his money in a bank .If by chance he went to a bank ,he would be surprised to find hardly anyone there .Gone would have been the queues.!!Why ?Because all accounts are being managed online and money is no longer withdrawn by standing in a line and handing over a cheque !!Its with a swipe of of the credit card !!Same with ticket bookings –train ,airlines ,hotels ,movies,restaurants etc .He would also find rickshaw wallahs and small children with cell phones and IPads .And restaurants in which people hardly talked while eating –so busy were they on their iphones and blackberry’s texting messages and accessing yahoo,google or even watching live cricket or porn !!
But wait .!!If he were to make his way into a school (the normal school ),he would find himself completely at home .He would find crowded classrooms ,he would find chalk duster and blackboard ,and he would find  the teacher teaching with his/her  back facing the class because he/she is writing something on the board all the time  from a NCERT text  book which was published about 5 years ago . There might be a few changes in the History chapters ,but that would be because the government had changed and wanted History to be taught in the way its think tank interpreted it (communal vs non communal!!).
Its the only profession that hasn’t changed at the pace at which the world has changed .A Ambassador Car of the 60s on the track of Formula 1 Racing .!!

Why ?This is so because of many reasons .Briefly

1.We still  live in a era of “brick and mortar schools”.Schools such as ours are a  product of the age of the industrial revolution-where things were mass produced .So you put 50 students into a class ,assume all of them will grow at exactly the same pace ,and  have the same skills  .At the end of the 33 weeks ,the product will be ready ,will be stamped(in the form of a result),there will be some defective pieces,there will be some  “seconds”,and you have done the job .To hoodwink the masses ,you will introduce CCE which increases largely  meaningless  work and to manipulation . (Ask any teacher and many Principals ).

2.This kind of  system envisages more students than teachers .The teacher if dedicated tries his/her best to teach in a way that most children are able to comprehend bits and pieces of the “transferred” knowledge .However due to compulsions of the system it ignores children who march to a different beat .The net result is that advanced students are bored in school and want to move faster ,while struggling students fall further and further behind .Education is “customized” for mass production.

The above is the model that prevails in 99 percent of the schools. Schools were built on the presumption that teachers and knowledge were in short supply .Hence everyone had to go to a school to get "scarce" knowledge .They were also built on the presumption that everyone of a particular age had equal capabilities.But all that has changed .Knowledge is freely available on the Web and is in abundance .And we cant continue to see schools where children come to study from a narrow content list and knowledge through books published 4 years ago .Knowledge on the net is doubling every 10 hours (by the time some of you read it that figure of 10 may further reduce!!),and gets 2.4 billion (yes billion!!)hits per day .

The great tragedy in our schooling system is that we  do not have a window open for “intrinsic”,needs .Very few students are allowed by the parents to pursue something like dance ,music ,fine art or rifle shooting .When I told my father once that I wanted to be a painter ,he laughed and said “Better to be cobbler .At least you are sure to get some work .Everyone wears shoes that may need repair .All your paintings will remain in the attic”.The attitude hasn’t changed amongst the schools and parents .Somehow a Physical Instructor is valued much less than a English or Physics teacher .Why?Becuase those are the subjects that get you the jobs .Hence our education system is “extrinsic”-it is catering to the external demand of the market.It is governed by laws of supply and demand .It is not linked to give boost to “intrinsic” needs –music ,dance,sports ,friendship .There is only one Principal I know who has the background of being a Physical Health Instructor .And one who is a theatre personality .And one who is painter .We don’t value intrinsic needs .We live in the age of the machine and technology .And machines and computers don’t have emotions .To use them you have to be tech savvy .And that is where the nature of schooling will move to in the next 5 years I feel .Laws will overtake values .Right and wrong (value),based on moral precepts will be overtaken by law .If you violate a law you will be punished .You wont be counseled .Counsellers will be replaced by lawyers !!
At the moment all the above looks very far fetched .It is not in our hands to stop change .When the time for a “idea” to be born has come –it will be born .The idea of technological change has already been born .The baby will soon grow up .
What would future  classes be like ?
1.Educational Innovations will take place LARGELY outside traditional classrooms
 2.Over a period of time education software will play a larger and larger role ,until the schools are no longer necessary .
3.Students will continue to gather with their local friends in a building called a “school”.(The word “school” wont go away).
4.Learning in these “schools” will be determined by learning style ,ability ,and personal interest rather than the syllabus set by the schools.
The above will happen or is bound to happen because of a depletion of oil .In 5 years time the prices of oil  and traffic on the roads ,will be so high that it would be impossible for children to be able to commute over long distances .The transportation charges  will be 3 times the cost of tuition fee .All that is not going to be sustainable .

We need to recognize the fact that we have gone beyond the age of the “INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION”.We live in a age of the “TECHNOLOGICAL REVOLUTION”.The future has to belong to “INTERACTIVE ONLINE EDUCATION”,which has to be better than todays education software which is nothing better than “GLORIFIED FLASH CARDS “. ONLINE Education will allow for classes to be customized to a students particular style .
And  computerized systems will enable us to deliver continuous assessments to students.
I know many of you who are reading  will find it childish and queer when I write  all this .I also know that there will be questions that many of us who believe that change will take place wont be able to answer .Its impossible to be able to structure the future and in a debate the one who is predicting is always going to be on the losing side to the one who is arguing about the past and providing the facts .But technology has its own dynamics .The radios confined us to a room where we needed a plug point .The solid state transistor made it possible for us to move around the house or carry the transistor with us to parties and picnics .Remember Murphy Transistor?Then we got into the world of pocket transistors .Ditto with typewriters ,PCs ,laptops ,ipads ,notebooks etc .Same with phone .And the same will happen in the world of education.The technological changes will provide solutions to sustain it (the change).Remember
Karl Marxs concept of the substructure being sustained by a superstructure ?Infact it is already happening .Online schooling is very successful in some parts of the world .Salman Khan (no –not our Salman Khan )  who runs the highly successful  Khan Academy,in America , a free online education platform and non profit organization  has produced more than 4,000 video lessons teaching a wide spectrum of academic subjects, mainly focusing on mathematics and the sciences. As of May 2013, the Khan Academy channel on YouTube attracted 1,000,000 subscribers and the Khan Academy videos have been viewed over 268 million times.
I feel we all need to accept the realities .We may or may not like technology (I don’t ),but it is not a matter of choice .It has become a compulsion .
To answer the question as to whether there would be schools like the ones we have now in the future ,the answer is yes and no .Yes for those who have to be told what to do and no for those who will lead the world and tell us what to do .The children of today know more about everything than most of us .And I am suere you must be aware about it  whenever your computer or cell phone runs into trouble !!You always turn to your kid –because  by default he/she was born into technology .My grand nephew is already running his fingers over a Android phone !!He may never go to a brick and mortar school .And even if does –his kids wont .This much  I am sure about .

Because he does not want to go into the Formula I Race ,driving a Ambassador Car .!!

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