The recent happening in the JNU is despicable and anti national to say the least .The politicians , teachers and the students who are now demanding the release of students are fanning a dangerous fire .I DO think that booking a few rowdy students who were shouting slogans for Kashmirs liberation and Afzal Guru is not a bad idea .I also feel that all the “left” intellectuals who say “we condemn the slogan shouting” are playing the cat and mouse game .They are running with the hare and hunting with the hound .
I cant for the life of me understand why and how such a event was allowed to be organized at the JNU .It would be naïve to believe that the university did not know about it .There is a line that connects the Maoists ,the Kashmir seccessinists ,the Award Wapasi Brigade, Afzal Guru supporters, the bizarre philosophy of human right activists and the event organized at the JNU .Fishing in these troubled waters as always are the remnants of a badly mauled and moth eaten UPA .Some of them know they cant ever be worse than getting 40 odd seats out of nearly 550 Lok Sabha seats .Some members of the press were who are sidelined also jumped into the fray to support anything which can damage the man who has if nothing else given India a absolutely corruption free government.
.The questions arises –why did such a prestigious university get involved with Maoists ,pseudo human right activists ,pro separatist Kashmir sympathizers and people who do not swear and believe in the territorial integrity of India ( why don’t the Maoists and the Hurriyat contest elections instead of blowing up human beings ,schools ,hospitals ,roads ?)
The answer is simple –they have not accepted Modis victory .The coming of Modi to power has threatened the outdated Marxist diet they have been brought up on from the time India became independent .At that time Russian system ,ideology and the way it ran its politico-economic system was “imposed” on India .Over the years socialism has failed –including in the country of its birth .But India has been held captive by a left intellectual group who believe in “intellectual ethnic cleansing” ,and they dominate all universities .Any wonder why the student movement was fanned so much recently in Hyderabad ? The great tragedy is that in JNU room rent is Rs 11/- per month annual fee is Rs 219/- per year( payable in 2 installments) mess bills are subsidised through free manpower and infrastructure and from 11 hostels in1990 there are now 22. More outsiders and illegal occupants can now stay in hostels at night , there is one professor for every 15 students.The govt spends , Rs 3 lakh per student .!! Who pays for all this –yes ,you and me as taxes !!As Tavleen Singh writes –Its time to close down JNU ,BECAUSE IF Jihadis are celebrated as heroes then this is not a University any longer but a fifth column.
We must get out of the clutches of this left intellectual elite otherwise India will continue to pass disastrous bills like the RTE and block the GST and Labour Reforms.We must see through this game of their ideologues branding everyone who challenges their way of thinking as “right wing RSS “ ,and who come on TV Shows in the evening saying that they condemn all anti India slogan slogan shouting ,while plotting through the day and night planning exactly that !! Its all so simple !!.All of us kow what this “tactical maneuvering” is all about .We may not be Marxists and Maoists –but we have read them as well .
I cant for the life of me understand why and how such a event was allowed to be organized at the JNU .It would be naïve to believe that the university did not know about it .There is a line that connects the Maoists ,the Kashmir seccessinists ,the Award Wapasi Brigade, Afzal Guru supporters, the bizarre philosophy of human right activists and the event organized at the JNU .Fishing in these troubled waters as always are the remnants of a badly mauled and moth eaten UPA .Some of them know they cant ever be worse than getting 40 odd seats out of nearly 550 Lok Sabha seats .Some members of the press were who are sidelined also jumped into the fray to support anything which can damage the man who has if nothing else given India a absolutely corruption free government.
.The questions arises –why did such a prestigious university get involved with Maoists ,pseudo human right activists ,pro separatist Kashmir sympathizers and people who do not swear and believe in the territorial integrity of India ( why don’t the Maoists and the Hurriyat contest elections instead of blowing up human beings ,schools ,hospitals ,roads ?)
The answer is simple –they have not accepted Modis victory .The coming of Modi to power has threatened the outdated Marxist diet they have been brought up on from the time India became independent .At that time Russian system ,ideology and the way it ran its politico-economic system was “imposed” on India .Over the years socialism has failed –including in the country of its birth .But India has been held captive by a left intellectual group who believe in “intellectual ethnic cleansing” ,and they dominate all universities .Any wonder why the student movement was fanned so much recently in Hyderabad ? The great tragedy is that in JNU room rent is Rs 11/- per month annual fee is Rs 219/- per year( payable in 2 installments) mess bills are subsidised through free manpower and infrastructure and from 11 hostels in1990 there are now 22. More outsiders and illegal occupants can now stay in hostels at night , there is one professor for every 15 students.The govt spends , Rs 3 lakh per student .!! Who pays for all this –yes ,you and me as taxes !!As Tavleen Singh writes –Its time to close down JNU ,BECAUSE IF Jihadis are celebrated as heroes then this is not a University any longer but a fifth column.
We must get out of the clutches of this left intellectual elite otherwise India will continue to pass disastrous bills like the RTE and block the GST and Labour Reforms.We must see through this game of their ideologues branding everyone who challenges their way of thinking as “right wing RSS “ ,and who come on TV Shows in the evening saying that they condemn all anti India slogan slogan shouting ,while plotting through the day and night planning exactly that !! Its all so simple !!.All of us kow what this “tactical maneuvering” is all about .We may not be Marxists and Maoists –but we have read them as well .
Please feel free to share .And i am prepared to be trolled